0.2.2 Update


  • Updated mantle to work when holding W as well as when holding Space. This is potentially game breaking and will require thorough bug testing. Please be patient and take note of odd behavior when you test this build.
    • If you are experiencing issues with the W mantle, the space mantle should still be reliable. Please do report if the W mantle is behaving in an unreliable manner. I am trying to find the best balance between performance optimization and snappy controls.
  • Updated controls UI overlay to reflect the updated controls
  • Adjusted material and post processing for simulation room to enhance readability.
  • Added glowing tube lights to the simulation room frame to more clearly communicate to the player what is happening when they toggle the power.
  • Changed E to the primary interact key and F to the primary flashlight toggle as it was requested too many times.
  • Fixed a glitch that allowed players to bypass the roof access door.
  • Added logic to clean up debug objects automatically so nothing gets forgotten after updates.
  • Removed all the bricks from the first area. They were intended to be something that the player could play around with and accidentally discover one of the level mechanics, but due to the untextured nature of this project, they just drew too much attention to themselves and put people off track.
  • Fixed the flashlight nag to actually trigger when the player enters the dark area. It will re-trigger if they return to this location with their flashlight off, just in case they missed it.
  • Adjusted lighting basement to help make things more intuitive while retaining as much of the flashlight usage and ambiance as possible.
  • Added a new area for the player to test out bricks in a way that won’t distract from a current puzzle.
  • Refined lighting and shadow to be less wasteful with resources.


World Mover 0.2.2.zip 843 MB
65 days ago

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