0.2.5 Update

0.2.5 Changes

Mainly putting out this version right now to fix the massive issue with terrain lighting that is killing the desired mood for spaces in the shade.

  • Un-broke the terrain lighting. Sorry 0.2.3 and 0.2.4 testers!
  • Tweaked readable text in multiple places to make terms used for important concepts more consistent.
  • Added a new cube close to an early cube puzzle to re-enforce a cubes use, draw player attention to the area, and reduce unnecessary backtracking. (Triple purpose!)
  • Fixed W mantle check so that it won’t happen while crouching. (Window mantles were glitching.)
  • Added more pyramids to the junk pile. Added more walking colliders to the junk pile to prevent player from getting stuck.
  • Tweaked the layout of the tutorial area to better communicate opportunities
  • Made temporary adjustment to the light bars in Station A4 while coming up with a new solution.
  • Adjusted names of training programs to be more abstract and open to interpretation

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