0.2.4 Update


Removed some pesky dynamic lights that were hiding inside a hollow part of the level since 0.1.0

  • Took precautions to avoid player glitching through the ceiling in the first area.
  • The player will no longer collide with bottles. Collision with bottles was able to completely break the game for unlucky players.
  • Added 50% mass to bricks.
  • Made bricks slightly smaller to enhance contrast between bricks and batteries without deviating from color scheme of the levels visual language.
  • Added a new light in the fuel room to help guide players to the roof access point.
  • Made the Secret Finder Badge slightly less secret ;)
  • Presents the player with HUD feedback indicating which exit they used when they complete the primary objective.
  • Removed the potential for the player to pull themselves through the wall on floor 4.
  • Added a safe path down from one of the locations in floor 4.
  • Added missing structural supports to the lower catwalk. (Such a silly thing to forget!)
  • Added 25% more time to the vent platform.


World Mover 0.2.4.zip 843 MB
62 days ago

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